Hello? Are you there? Is anyone watching? Let us know what you think of this page and how we can improve it...write your letters to the attention of the City Clerk, PO Box 102, Estell Manor, NJ 08319. Or email: emcityclerk@verizon.net
Thanks for visiting our new web page dedicated to YOU - the kids of Estell Manor! What a great place to grow up...clean air, clean water, beautiful forests and lakes, and how about that awesome park?! Living so close to nature, we're betting that you care about the environment - right? Well, we need your help to keep Estell Manor CLEAN & GREEN!
How can you help? Check this out: Live by the rules in the Clean Water Rainger Handbook (below) Participate in our annual Clean Communities Day Remind your friends and family not to litter and visit www.cleanwaternj.org for more information