Tuesday, April 15th 2025 11:30 am - 1 pm at City Hall
All are welcome!
April 26th 2025 8am - Noon
Maple Ave Gravel Pit
Estell Manor Historical Society 2025 Vendor Event
Saturday, May 31st 2025
9 am to 3 pm at the Root Cellar Tavern
Call 609-276-5974 for any questions or more information!
Good afternoon:
Due to the use of salt and brine for public safety during the recent extreme winter weather and ongoing drought conditions, New Jersey residents may have noticed a salty taste in their tap water. Despite the slight change in taste, New Jersey American Water wants to assure its customers that the water it provides continues to meet all health-based primary drinking water standards.
Each winter, local road departments, commercial parking lot owners, and homeowners use salt to melt snow and ice and to maintain roads and other surfaces for safe traction. As snow and ice melt, this salt can wash into nearby waterways, some of which serve as drinking water sources. This causes higher concentrations of sodium and chloride in the source water, which is exacerbated by lower reservoir and river levels caused by the statewide drought conditions, and results in a salty taste. These impacts typically diminish once road salt applications and associated runoff from snow melt have ceased.
“We are continuing to monitor water quality at the source and throughout our systems and can confirm that the water we’re providing to customers continues to meet primary drinking water quality standards,” said Ben Morris, Vice President of Operations, New Jersey American Water. “This issue is not unique to New Jersey American Water, but part of a larger statewide issue, as confirmed in our communications with the NJDEP. We will continue to work closely with our neighboring water systems and the NJDEP to keep our customers informed.”
According to NJDEP, increased concentrations of sodium and chloride in water during winter weather events, like this past week’s, do not pose a health concern for most individuals in comparison to other sources of sodium in an average person’s diet. However, customers with health concerns, and those on a sodium-restricted diet, may want to contact their healthcare provider if they have questions.
For more information about the effects of road salting on New Jersey source water, visit The New Jersey Watershed Watch Network’s website at njwatershedwatch.org/road-salt. New Jersey American Water continues to work with source water protection organizations dedicated to finding less impactful means of road maintenance.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
All best
Sakeema M. JamesManager, Government & Regulatory AffairsNew Jersey American WaterOne Water StreetCamden, New Jersey 08102C: 201.892.9299Sakeema.James@amwater.com
Home Decorating Contest results are in!
For "Traditional" - The Martha Family, 117 Cumberland Avenue;
For "Winter Wonderland" - The Adkisson Family, 191A Cumberland Avenue;
For "Christmas Fantasy" - The Lamcken Family, 193 4th Avenue.
Estell Manor Groundhog Confirmed as 4th Rabies Case of 2024
A groundhog that confronted a family dog in the 100 block of Cumberland Avenue in Estell Manor was confirmed positive for rabies on July 19 by the state lab. This is the fourth rabies case in Atlantic County this year. Rabies was previously confirmed in two Egg Harbor Township raccoons and a Pleasantville cat.
An investigation by the Atlantic County Division of Public Health found two individuals who may have been exposed to rabies, both of whom are now receiving post-exposure treatment. The pet dog received a rabies booster vaccination.
Rabies can be fatal if left untreated. It can be transmitted through direct contact with saliva through broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose or mouth. Most human cases of rabies are the result of a bite from an infected animal. If you are bitten by an animal, wash the wound immediately with soap and water and seek medical attention. All bites should be reported to the Atlantic County Division of Public Health at (609) 645-5971.
If you see wildlife that is behaving strangely, especially nocturnal animals such as skunks and raccoons found during daylight hours, do not approach the animal. Instead, call your local Animal Control Officer. Contact information is available on the county web site. Visit www.atlanticcountynj.gov and search “Animal Control Services.”
Residents should ensure trash cans have secure lids to prevent wildlife from foraging for food and not leave pet food outside. Many animals are also attracted to bird seed.
Public health officials advise residents to teach children to stay away from wild, stray or aggressive animals. Never feed or touch wild animals or try to keep them as pets.
A rabies vaccination is recommended for domestic animals to not only protect the pet but also the pet owner and family members who could contract rabies from an infected pet.
The Atlantic County Animal Shelter provides free rabies vaccination clinics for both dogs and cats by appointment only.
For more information about rabies control and precautions to protect your family and your pets, please visit the county web site: www.atlanticcountynj.gov or call (609) 645-5971.
*Attention Residents*
Asplundh Tree Expert Company, on behalf of Atlantic City Electric, will be performing tree pruning and removal within the next few months. You may see trucks, workers and equipment along the following roads starting in January.
January - February
Linwood Ave
Cumberland Ave
Cape May Ave
Tuckahoe Rd
S. Jersey Ave
Estelle Ave
1st - 10th Ave
| February - March
S. River Rd
Route 50 from S. River Rd to Honest John Rd
Maple Ave
16th Ave
Broad St
Available at City Hall
148 Cumberland Avenue
While Supplies Last!
Stop by or call 609-476-2692
Atlantic County Senior Fix-It Program
1-888-426-9243 609-645-5965
The Atlantic County Fix-It program provides minor home repairs to protect the safety of County residents 60 years and older in an effort to help them maintain their independence and their ability to remain in their own homes.
The Fix-It program is designed to provide help that enables residents who may be living alone, ill or disabled to continue living in their homes.
(Repairs are made on a health-and-safety priority basis and must be no higher than 10’ above ground level. All finished work will be functional but may not be of expert quality.)
- Safety Grab Bars
- Faucets & Shower Heads
- Sink Drain Trap
- Toilet Parts
- Wood Handrails & Steps
- Smoke Detectors/Batteries
- Light Switch/Electrical Outlet
- Light Bulbs
- Wall Anchors
- Ceiling Fan Pull Switch
- Storm Door Handle/Latch
- Exterior Doorknob
- Locks
| NO
- Detached Buildings
- Landscaping
- Snow Shoveling
- Major Plumbing or Remodeling
- Fence Repairs
- Concrete Work
- Painting
- Work in Crawl Spaces
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Estell Manor Raccoon Confirmed as County’s Seventh Rabies Case
-- 8/25/2023 Press Release from Atlantic County Office of Communications
Atlantic County’s seventh rabies case of the year has been confirmed in a raccoon collected from a property in the 100 block of S. Jersey Avenue in Estell Manor.
The property owner was confronted and scratched by the raccoon on August 23. An animal control officer was called to remove the animal and it was then sent to the state lab for testing. The raccoon was confirmed positive for rabies on August 25. The property owner and another adult received post-exposure treatment.
Rabies is fatal if left untreated. It can be transmitted through direct contact with saliva through broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose or mouth.
Most human cases of rabies are the result of a bite from an infected animal. If you are bitten by an animal, wash the wound immediately with soap and water and seek medical attention. All bites should be reported to the Atlantic County Division of Public Health at (609) 645-5971.
This is the third raccoon to be confirmed for rabies this year. Rabies was also previously confirmed in two bats, a cat, and a skunk.
Public health officials advise residents to teach children to stay away from wild, stray or aggressive animals. Never feed or touch wild animals or try to keep them as pets.
If you see wildlife that is behaving strangely, especially nocturnal animals such as skunks and raccoons found during daylight hours, do not approach the animal. Instead, call your local animal control officer. Contact information is available on the county web site at: www.aclink.org/animal-shelter/municipal.asp
Residents should ensure trash cans have secure lids to prevent wildlife from foraging for food and not leave pet food outside. Many animals are also attracted to bird seed.
A rabies vaccination is recommended for domestic animals to not only protect the pet but also the pet owner and family members who could contract rabies from an infected pet.
The Atlantic County Animal Shelter provides free rabies vaccination clinics each month for both dogs and cats by appointment only at www.aclink.org/animal-shelter. The next clinic will be held on Sunday, September 10, 9 am – 12 noon, at 240 Old Turnpike in Pleasantville.
For more information about rabies control and precautions to protect your family and your pets, please visit the county web site at www.aclink.org/publichealth or call (609) 645-5971.
We must practice social distancing, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette if we are to mitigate the effects of this virus.
Simply put, please stay home, wash your hands thoroughly, and please cover your cough or sneeze. We will get through this. We are Jersey Strong. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT COVID-19: The NJ Poison Control Center and 2-1-1 have partnered to provide information to the public on COVID-19. The hotline number is 1-800-962-1253. Or, you can call 2-1-1 with questions or concerns, or to access NJ’s statewide comprehensive information and referral service. Or text NJCOVID to 898-211 to receive text information and stay informed. Additionally, NJ launched a COVID-19 Information Hub, covid19.nj.gov, where residents can get up-to-date information. COVID-19 DASHBOARD AND HEALTH RELATED INFO: The New Jersey Department of Health website www.nj.gov/health has updated information daily related to the public health emergency. Or visit www.cdc.gov IF YOU’RE SICK: Call your doctor if you’re sick or if you think you’ve been exposed to COVID-19. Your doctor can give you medical advice if you develop a fever or other symptoms. TESTING SITES: A testing site opened on Friday at Bergen Community College for NJ residents only (proof of ID necessary) and those exhibiting symptoms. The site will have the capacity to test 2,500/ week. Monmouth County site is opening today at PNC Bank Arts Center. There are also plans for a testing site to open at Camden County College in Blackwood once tests become available, and the Burlington County Coronavirus Task Force is looking to set up a site within the county soon. CLOSURES, CROWDS, AND CURFEWS: All social gatherings and assemblies, such as parties, celebrations, or other social events, are cancelled including conferences, large meetings, parties, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, weddings, and other types of assemblies. Please note that law enforcement may charge folks who disregard these rules.
The Governor ordered the following businesses to close: non-essential retail; casinos and racetracks; gyms and fitness centers; entertainment such as movie theaters, performing arts centers, concert venues, and nightclubs; shopping malls; places of public amusement; and personal care businesses such as barbershops, hair salons, spas, nail and eyelash studios, tanning salons, and tattoo and massage parlors. Bars and restaurants must be closed for on-premise dining but may provide take-out and delivery service only. Certain essential businesses and facilities are considered exempt from these closures includes grocery and pet stores, food banks, medical industries, pharmacies and medical supply stores, gas stations, banks, and restaurants for take-out/ delivery. A complete list can be found here: https://covid19.nj.gov/faqs/nj-information/businesses-and-organizations/how-do-executive-orders-no.-107-and-108-on-closures-and-social-distancing-affect-my-business
INFORMATION FOR BUSINESSES: The State has created a new webpage for businesses with questions related to COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus. There is a portal to submit a question or use the chat tool. http://cv.business.nj.gov/ RELIEF FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: The US Small Business Administration approved NJ for disaster relief. https://www.sba.gov/page/coronavirus-covid-19-small-business-guidance-loan-resources
WORKER PROTECTION PROGRAMS: Visit NJ Department of Labor’s website to determine if you are eligible for unemployment, family leave, earned sick time or worker’s compensation benefits during the coronavirus outbreak. The chart below is a useful tool. For more info: https://www.nj.gov/labor/worker-protections/earnedsick/covid.shtml FILING FOR UNEMPLOYMENT: Many residents have reached out to our office for help with unemployment benefits. The NJ Department of Labor is encouraging anyone seeking benefits to apply on their website: https://myunemployment.nj.gov/ UTILITIES The NJ Board of Public Utilities announced that utilities have suspended all shut-off orders for electric and gas. https://www.bpu.state.nj.us/bpu/newsroom/2020/approved/20200313.html HOUSING Governor Murphy recently enacted a moratorium on removals due to evictions and foreclosures. However, we know that the next few weeks, maybe months, may be financially challenging for some. NJ Department of Community Affairs has various rental assistance programs that can help during times like these and is accepting applications. Learn more: https://njdca-housing.dynamics365portals.us/en-US/ SOCIAL SERVICES/ CHILDCARE For information on childcare, cash shelter and food assistance, NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid, individuals with disabilities, mental health and substance abuse, and support for older residents please visit: https://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/news/press/2020/approved/20200318b.html PRICE GOUGING Sadly, people will try to take advantage of others during times of crisis. Beware of scams and price gouging during this public health emergency. Report it at NJ Consumer Affairs: https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/ MOTOR VEHICLES: All New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission agencies will be closed. All driver licenses, non-driver IDs, vehicle registrations, and inspection stickers expiring before May 31 have been extended by two months. Most renewals, replacements, changes of address, and other transactions can be processed online at www.NJMVC.gov. If your REAL ID Appointment was cancelled due to Agency closure from March 16, 2020 through March 29, 2020, keep your cancellation email. When MVC re-opens, you can bring the email to your appointment agency anytime within 30 days and get a REAL ID without an appointment. MUNICIPAL COURTS Chief Justice Rabner announced that municipal court sessions in New Jersey will be suspended for two weeks to minimize exposure to the coronavirus. More information about the closures may be found online at njcourts.gov. FOOD SECURITY The NJ Department of Agriculture has a list of Food Banks that serve each New Jersey County: https://www.nj.gov/agriculture/divisions/fn/pdf/EFO%20%20Listing.pdf TAX FILING IRS has extended tax deadlines from April 15 to July 15. CENSUS 2020 We are in the midst of the 2020 Census. Our current public health emergency is a reminder of the importance of having an accurate Census count. Even if you received an invitation by mail, or even if you have not, you can still complete the Census online at my2020Census.gov. It’s simple and only takes 10 minutes to complete. NJTRANSIT: NJ TRANSIT is running special weekday service beginning Monday, March 23rd, 2020. The River Line special weekday schedule maybe be found on NJ TRANSIT’s website by clicking here. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the COVID-19 response, customers are strongly encouraged to sign up for My Transit alerts and activate push notifications on the mobile app to receive the latest status of the system. STUDENT LOANS: For loan deferment due to unemployment: https://www.hesaa.org/Documents/Relief%20Options/Unemployment.pdf. For loan deferment due to temporary total disability: https://www.hesaa.org/Documents/NJCLASSTempDisabilityForm.pdf. For loan deferment due to financial hardship: https://www.hesaa.org/Documents/Relief%20Options/Financial%20hardship.pdf.
Click on the link above to check out the New Pinelands Interactive Map
Important Notice: Please be Advised:
Atlantic City Electric Reminds Residents to be Aware of “Customer Scams”
Atlantic City Electric reminds residents to guard against falling victim to imposter utility scams. When scams occur, a customer typically receives an unsolicited phone call from an individual, who falsely claims to be a company representative. The scammer often warns that the customer’s service will be terminated if they fail to make a payment – usually within a short timeframe through a prepaid debit card or other direct payment method.
Some scammers also use caller ID “spoofing” to replicate a company’s phone number.
Signs of Potential Scam Activity:
- The scammer often becomes angry and tells a customer his or her account is past due and service will be shut off if a large payment isn’t made – usually within less than an hour.
- The scammer instructs the customer to purchase a prepaid debit or credit card – widely available at most retail stores – then call him or her back to make a payment.
- The scammer asks the customer for the prepaid card’s receipt number and PIN number, which grants instant access to the funds loaded to the card.
- The scammers may disguise themselves as the utility by sending spam emails with logos, trademarks, website links, and wording to lure the customer into making a false payment or providing personal information.
How Customers Can Protect Themselves:
- Atlantic City Electric representatives will never ask or require a customer with a past due balance to purchase a prepaid debit card to avoid disconnection.
- Customers can make payments online, by phone, automatic bank withdrawal, mail, or in person.
- Customers with a past due balance will receive multiple shut off notifications – never a single notification one hour before disconnection.
- If a customer ever questions the legitimacy of the call, hang up and call Atlantic City Electric at 800-642-3780.
Check for Burning Restrictions at www.njwildfire.org |
The Neighborhood Watch Program
The Neighborhood Watch program is an effective way to get the community involved in crime prevention. Who knows better, what is going on in the community than the residents that live there?
Click the link below to view valuable information from the NJ State Police regarding Neighborhood Watch Programs.
A message from NJHMFA to the City of Estell Manor
If you have homeowners in your community who are facing foreclosure or first-time homebuyers looking to purchase a home, the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) has programs that can help.
Foreclosures crush families and blight neighborhoods. NJHMFA's new state housing counseling initiative can help your residents who are in danger of losing their homes and also help protect property values in your town and your tax revenues. However, it is essential that homeowners reach out for this free program within 60 days of receiving a foreclosure notice.
Saving for a home can be difficult, especially for first-time home buyers. For residents looking to buy their first home, NJHMFA offers $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance, which can provide the resourses buyers need to complete the purchase and open the door to their new home in your community.
For any questions, more information, or to receive handouts about the programs that residents can take home, please contact Jesse Crawford, our Marketing and Communications Outreach Coordinator, at 609-278-7587 or jcrawford@njhmfa.gov.
Need Help Paying Your Utility Bill? Atlantic City Electric Reminds Customers Assistance is Available
Atlantic City Electric customers have numerous options in which to apply for energy assistance. Atlantic City Electric wants its customers to know there is help available now if they are having difficulty paying their energy bills, and also offers energy conservation tips.
Click link below for more information:
Cash Grants Available For Customer Energy Bills
Energy assistance is still available in southern New Jersey to help Atlantic City Electric customers pay for winter energy bills. Through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Atlantic City Electric customers can receive up to $1,000 in grant support toward their energy bill that they do not have to pay back. Customers must apply during LIHEAP’s open period to ensure they can secure their grant while money is still available.
Atlantic City Electric customers can submit LIHEAP applications now to secure their grants. Customers can apply for LIHEAP through April 30, 2018 by visiting nj.gov/dca/divisions/dhcr/html or by contacting their local LIHEAP agency. For a list of LIHEAP agencies by county, visit state.nj.us/dca/agencydirectorylist.html.
“We understand that our customers may face financial challenges in meeting their energy needs, so we help them secure the essential energy assistance they need to help pay their utility bills,” said Vince Maione, Atlantic City Electric region president. “It is essential that our customers submit their application now, before this important money runs out.”
Last week, Atlantic City Electric employees traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in LIHEAP Action Day hosted by the National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition. The employees advocated for policies that protect funding for the LIHEAP program by sharing stories with elected officials and policymakers that demonstrate the program’s value to vulnerable households in southern New Jersey.
To be eligible for a grant, a customer’s annual household income cannot exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines. Each state has determined eligibility guidelines based on household size and income. Homeowners, renters, roomers and subsidized housing tenants may be eligible. Customers do not have to be behind on their bills to receive a grant.
New Jersey’s eligibility requirements are as follows:
- $24,120 - One-person household
- $32,484 - Two-person household
- $40,848 - Three-person household
- $49,200 - Four-person household
In addition to LIHEAP, there are many other programs and tips available to help Atlantic City Electric customers save money and manage their energy costs. Customers can also Get more detailed information about your energy usage so you can make more informed choices about how you use energysign up for My Account, which contains tools and detailed energy usage information. By tracking their energy use, comparing usage trends, and discovering the results of energy-saving practices, customers can manage their energy more efficiently. Customers can visit atlanticcityelectric.com to learn more about My Account, available energy assistance programs, and other ways to save money and energy
Customers also can receive financial assistance through Helping Hands, a program, funded by Atlantic City Electric, providing $3 million to help struggling customers meet their energy needs during the next three years. These funds are annually dispersed to low-income residents through the Affordable Housing Alliance, New Jersey SHARES, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Camden and the People for People Foundation.
Atlantic City Electric will work with customers who may have difficulty paying their energy bill. The company offers payment options, like budget billing, which averages payments over a 12-month period to help customers manage their monthly electricity costs, or flexible payment arrangements that offer individually tailored payment installment plans. Customers who may be struggling to make a payment should contact Atlantic City Electric as soon as possible at 800-642-3780.
To learn more, visit The Source, Atlantic City Electric’s online news room. Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/atlanticcityelectric and on Twitter at twitter.com/acelecconnect. Our mobile app is available at atlanticcityelectric.com/mobileapp.
Ken Mosca Public Affairs Manager Atlantic City Electric 2542 Fire Road Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 (609) 645-4802 (O) (609) 412-3738 (C)
Home Energy Assistance Program 1-800-510-3102
Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) Program Now Accepting Applications
To learn how to apply for LIHEAP, call 1-800-510-3102 or go to www.state.nj.us/dca/divisions/dhcr/offices/hea.html
To read more about the program click the link below: